Sunday, August 29, 2010

TRIVIA about PETS (:

Hello People! ^^

Miss me? haha! >:P
I'm back.


...that Dalmatian puppies are born pure white - without their distinctive spots? It's only when they start to grow that their black or brown spots begin to appear. Isn't it cool guys?:D

...the common belief that dogs are color blind is false. Dogs can see color but it is not as vivid a color scheme as we see. It is much like our vision at twilight.

World's Oldest Dog

The oldest dog that has been reliably documented was an Australian cattle-dog named Bluey. He was put to sleep at the age of 29 years and 5 months! Whoa! Amazing! I wish my dog will die at that age also. :))

Estimating Your Dogs Age

Since a dogs lifespan is usually limited to 15-20 years it should be enough to say that a 2 year old dog is young, a 9 year old dog is middle aged, and a 14 year old dog is old, etc. However, for some reason humans feel the need to anthropomorphize every thing that relates to animals. I am guilty of it (check out the fastest cockroach on the insect page). Since I will never be successful in my efforts to stop the needless "humanization" of animals, I offer the following.

The classic "one dog year equals seven human years" formula has somehow crept into our popular culture. It is a very poor method for estimating your dogs "human age." It is only accurate in the middle of the spectrum and does not take into account the upper and lower ends of the scale. For example: A 1 year old dog has reached sexual maturity and for all intents and purposes has reached its greatest height and length at this age. No one would claim that a 7 year old child has reached sexual maturity and has stopped growing. At the other end of the scale you must consider that dogs ROUTINELY live past the age of 15. That means in human terms most everyone would be living well into their hundreds! In the case of the worlds oldest dog (29) he would be 203! There is a better method.

Use this formula:

The first year of a dogs life = 15 years.

Health Benefits of Having a Pet
Compared to non-pet owners:

* People who own pets typically visit the doctor less often and use less medication.
* Pet owners, on average, have lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure.
* Pet owners recover more quickly from illness and surgery.
* Pet owners deal better with stressful situations.
* Pet owners are less likely to report feeling lonely.

See the difference? Well, I prefer to have a pet. =))

Quote of the day ^^

"Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to." ~ Joe Gores

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"Quote of the Day"

People love to talk but hate to listen. Listening is not merely not talking, though even that is beyond most of our powers; it means taking a vigorous, human interest in what is being told us. You can listen like a blank wall or like a splendid auditorium where every sound comes back fuller and richer.

- Alice Duer Miller

"Daily Devotionals"

"The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing." (Psalm 34:10)

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