Saturday, August 28, 2010

Just the Right Jeans For You

Howdy Guys!=)

Quote of the Day:

"Remember that always dressing in understated good taste is the same as playing dead".

Are you fun of wearing jeans? This here's the latest trend for you. A 2010 trends that surely you shouldn't pass up!

Jeans aare now a veryy popular form of casual dress around the world,and have been so for decades. They come in many styles and colors. A lot of shopaholic spend chunks of money to have this trends. Jeans has a big contribution to Fashion.

#1. Ripped Jeans

Whether you love them or hate them, they'll be everywhere this season and for good reason too!ripped jeans give off a cool,boho vibe that you can't peel your eyes off. Pair ripped skinny jeans with a layered tank or a peasant top and you're ready to hit the town.

Note: Ripped jeans are a big no-no for work!

#2. Acid Wash Jeans

Ok so I know a lot of people can't stand the acid wash finish because it reminds them of the 80's,but I think if you wear them the right way they can look really hot!Acid wash jeans can look great with almost any type of shoes including flats,flip-flops,heels, and boots. Pair them with a tank and blazer...totally chic!

#3. Skinny Jeans

Yep,they're here to stay and we love them to death!Skinny jeans work with anything and everything,so make sure you have a few pairs for spring in lighter colors.

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"Quote of the Day"

People love to talk but hate to listen. Listening is not merely not talking, though even that is beyond most of our powers; it means taking a vigorous, human interest in what is being told us. You can listen like a blank wall or like a splendid auditorium where every sound comes back fuller and richer.

- Alice Duer Miller

"Daily Devotionals"

"The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing." (Psalm 34:10)

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