Tuesday, August 31, 2010

"Top 10 Beauty Myths"

Howdy Everyone!
What's up?!

Our Quote of the Day:
"''Style'' is an expression of individualism mixed with charisma. Fashion is something that comes after style."

There is so much information out there on pretty much  anything, but you also can't believe everything you hear or read. Especially when it comes to beauty,there are a lot of weird do's and dont's out there that aren't always necessarily true. So I've uncovered the top 10 beauty myths out there which should help you get a better idea of what's true and what isn't.


 This actually does work, but it cames with a price. While lemons do help you get lighter locks, they don't really work on your teeth since the citric acid in lemons wears away enamel. Save the lemons for the lemonade and instead brush your teeth with water and baking soda a couple times a  week to get those pearly white at home.


Not true. It is not the artificial nail or the glue that ultimately causes nail damage, but imporper removal-such as picking or prying off. So if you just take care of your nails and remove them properly, there will be absolutely no damage to your nails.


Who came up with that? Either way, it's not true. Although laser hair removal does work better for darker hair,lighter does work just as fine. With lighter hair,you'll see about 70-80% removal of the hair. So just go one extra time and you'll be fine.


Wrong again. Your hair will grow at the same speed with or without a haircut. But regular haircuts will help improve the overall health of your hair as well as getting rid of those pesky split ends.


Another stupid myth made up by guys who like big chested girls. There are so many different types of lingerie out there made for every body, including petite. So next time you wanna surprise your man but you think you won't be able to pull it off, just go out and find a nice up-lifting water bra and it'll do the job!


Although breakouts are associated with oily skin, that is not always the cause. In most cases, breakouts happen because the skin is so sensitive that you might be using the wrong products,therefore causing more pimples, So if you have oily skin and you've tried everything,try sensitive formulas and you'll start seeing some change.


Whoever made that up is seriously disturbed because organic beauty products are the best you can get! They're skin friendly so they won't clog pores and they protect your skin from all the harmful pollutants out there. Plus, you don't get all the chemicals so organic beauty products is really the way to go.


If there is one thing I always hear from my girlfriends is that 'I can't wear that color!', which is absolutely ridiculous. The one thing you have to pay special attention to is the  shades of the color as well as the understones. So while a hot, fiery red might not suit your complexion, a toned-down version might do you wonders!


So not true. Copper, not chlorine, will turn your hair green. If a pool is not properly maintained and cleaned regularly, it can have copper residue which in turn could turn your hair a greenish color. Now this is mostly for blondes since their pigment is so light, but all you have to do is switch to a low pH shampoo which will help combat against greening.


Very untrue. Most people that hair spider veins or varicose veins have them because either their mother or grandmother had them. It's all in the genes! 

Pets on the GO :)

Heyah Repapiz! :)

Good Day!

Watch this guys.
A pug saying I LOVE YOU! So amazing! LEWL! haha!:D She looks like
my dog :))

Pet Fashion, Beds, and Apparel

Pet fashion, these days it’s more popular than ever and while some feel it’s controversial there are some practical reasons to dress a pet. Even the not so practical reasons can bring a smile to a face. Above all pet fashion requires a sense of humor. You can even have fun with pet supplies, there are lots of fun items available.

Pet Clothes

When Halloween has come and gone the fun of dressing up a pet is gone right? Wrong! Stylish clothes for year round fashion are available. Cute hoodies, polo shirts, and other everyday items can be worn no matter what the season.

Shirts, tank tops, and even swim suits make any dog a fashionista. There are lightweight materials for summer and spring. There are cozy sweaters and hoodies for fall and winter. Many are available in all sizes too.

Even kitty can get in on the action with pet clothes. It may be short lived, but a cat looks precious in a lacy sundress. Consider hats and accessories if full on clothing doesn’t seem to suit a pet’s fancy. Either way there are plenty of options to show off style.

Quote of the day ^~^

Animals are reliable, many full of love, true in their affections,
predictable in their actions, grateful and loyal. Difficult
standards for people to live up to.
- Alfred A. Montapert

Monday, August 30, 2010

Trivia about Relationship;


Jessamyn West said, “You make what seems a simple choice: choose a man or a job or a neighborhood - and what you have chosen is not a man or a job or a neighborhood, but a life.”

Whoa partner! Let’s think about the truth in that.

How many people do you know who seem to have chosen a life-partner because they found a spark of what seemed to be love – but it didn’t last? Did you do this?

How many people do you know who seem to have chosen a job or business because it was available – but it is “ho-hum, just a job”? Did you do this?

How many people do you know who seem to have chosen a neighbourhood because it was close to the above-noted job/business – but “it ain’t the best place in the world”? Did you do this?

Many of us have unconsciously chosen to put ourselves in these situations. We didn’t really know what we wanted so we took what came along.

It is proof of the ol’ Law of Attraction at work. We attracted exactly what we were focussing on most. We didn’t really know who we wanted for a mate, we didn’t know how we wanted to give value to society, and we surely didn’t know where we wanted to live. Unclear, uncertain, unfocussed thoughts gave us an unclear, uncertain, unfocussed, and un-inspiring life. And the more we noticed and focused on the undesirables, the more of those we attracted.

Yikes! If we are not consciously aware of the pattern, it can become a nasty habit.

You may be thinking, “Nah, Dan, things are pretty good for me. There’s only a couple things that could be better.”

Great awareness! Let’s do something about it.

In this 2-part series of articles, you will gain the steps to clarify:
- who you need to be, and
- what you need to do.

These steps will help you live a highly-inspired life – a life where you will attract your “ideal” mate, job/business, neighbourhood, financial situation, or anything else you desire. By following the steps, you may find that you already have what you want – it only takes a shift of your perception, attitude, or focus.

Don’t rush this process. Take a period of time between each step. Invest time to consciously, consistently, and persistently think about each challenge being presented. Trust the process. The goal is to become a conscious, self-reliant, accountable, highly-inspired, joyous, and successful human being.

Sound good? Read on, my friend.

In my description of the following steps, I will use a "perfect mate". You can substitute job, business, neighbourhood, or whatever it is that you desire.

Here we go folks. Gather your high-tech tools – a pen and paper. Settle into a comfortable place, away from the instruments of mass distraction (phone, music, TV, computer). Here’s the first challenge for you, should you choose to accept it.

  1. Identify the one area of your life to focus on: perfect mate, job, business, neighbourhood, etc. Write that one thing on the top of the list. As noted, I’ll use “my perfect mate” as an example.
  2. In point form, describe that perfect mate. Be as specific as possible. Describe qualities, traits, attitudes, behaviours, approach to life, behavioural style, ways of thinking, etc. Create a profile of as many things as you can. How could this person be made-to-order, especially for you?
  3. Consciously go through your days thinking, “what if” and observing others for what would be ideal for you.
  4. Continue to edit and add to your profile until you are totally satisfied.
  5. Keep this profile in a convenient place and read it at least once a day. Picture in your mind, and sense the feelings, “as if” this person were already a part of your life.

If you are in a life-relationship, this is not meant to have you go looking for anyone else. Rather, if you look, you will likely see many of these desirable qualities in the person with whom you are already involved. Focus on them and you will see more./p>

If you are in the “looking mode”, avoid searching for this perfect mate. Simply think about how it will feel to be in a relationship with the person you have described in your profile. As you think about it, you will attract this person to you.

If the area of your life on which you have focussed is your job, business, or neighbourhood, the same steps apply.

Congratulations! This is the first and easiest step in the 2-part process because it is about clarifying what you will attract. The upcoming step is about who you need to become to attract your perfect mate, job, business, or neighbourhood.

This process is about making positive change in you. It never has anything to do with anyone else. As much as we may resist, the only way to change our lives is to change our minds and do something differently than we are now. This applies to the positive and negative, and it applies to me and you. It’s one of those natural laws.

That brings us back to where we started. The choices in our life may not be simple; however they can be easy, conscious choices when we are clear about what we want and how we will feel.

Until next time, happy examination, investigation and srutinization!

lovers b Pictures, Images and Photos

Love Pictures, Images and Photos
Our Relationship Pictures, Images and Photos

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Relationship Quotes of the day;

Sometimes the best way to say something is to let someone else say it instead.

So, here are a few relationship quotes for your enjoyment:

“Lots of people want to ride with you in the limo, but what you want is someone who will take the bus with you when the limo breaks down.”
-Oprah Winfrey

“Some of the biggest challenges in relationships come from the fact that most people enter a relationship in order to get something: they’re trying to find someone who’s going to make them feel good. In reality, the only way a relationship will last is if you see your relationship as a place that you go to give, and not a place that you go to take.”-Anthony Robbins

“Some people come into our lives and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never ever the same.” -Flavia Weedn

“The act of forgiveness is the act of returning to present time. And that’s why when one has become a forgiving person, and has managed to let go of the past, what they’ve really done is they’ve shifted their relationship with time.” -Caroline Myss

“Love is the irresistible desire to be irresistibly desired.” -Mark Twain

“Well, it seems to me that the best relationships – the ones that last – are frequently the ones that are rooted in friendship. You know, one day you look at the person and you see something more than you did the night before. Like a switch has been flicked somewhere. And the person who was just a friend is… suddenly the only person you can ever imagine yourself with” ~ Gillian Anderson

“Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.” -Aristotle

“The best and most beautiful things in this world cannot be seen or even heard, but must be felt with the heart.” -Helen Keller

“Where does the family start? It starts with a young man falling in love with a girl – no superior alternative has yet been found.” – Winston Churchill

“It is wrong to think that love comes from long companionship and persevering courtship. Love is the offspring of spiritual affinity and unless that affinity is created in a moment, it will not be created for years or even generations.” -Kahlin Gibran

“To love means to commit oneself without guarantee, to give oneself completely in the hope that our love will produce love in the loved person.” -Eric Fromm

“Man is a knot into which relationships are tied.” ~Antoine de Saint-Exupry

“You can’t stop loving or wanting to love because when its right, it’s the best thing in the world. When you’re in a relationship and it’s good, even if nothing else in your life is right, you feel like your whole world is complete.” ~ Keith Sweat

“Our greatest joy-and our greatest pain comes in our relationships with others.” – Stephen R. Covey

“Love doesn’t just sit there like a stone; it has to be made – like bread, remade all the time, made new.” – Ursula LeGuin

“Once the trust goes out of a relationship, it’s really no fun lying to ‘em anymore.” – Norm from Cheers

"Shorts Are Always In!"

What's up Guys!?
I'm Back Again!!!

Quote of the day:

"Know first who you are; and then adorn yourself accordingly.moving arror Pictures, Images and Photos"

This past days, I’ve been afraid of shorts and never really wanted to wear them. This summer though, as the heat kept escalating to new heights, I felt I had no choice but to bare all in a pair of shorts. To my surprise, I haven’t been able to wear anything but shorts, and I’ll show you how you can wear short shorts without feeling self-conscious.


It’s super important that you balance everything out when it comes to dressing. So, if you’re wearing a pair of short shorts, balance them out with a loose-fitting top, an XL tee, or a long tank top. Short shorts also look great with a button-up shirt or a plaid top.


For shorties like me, wearing short shorts can sometimes make you look shorter, so it doesn’t help in the lengthening department. To make your gams look longer, opt for nude or skin-colored flats, flip-flops, or heels. This will give the illusion of longer legs (and this goes for everything, nude-colored shoes are a life-saver!).

Dress Them Up!
Or with Leggings

Contrary to popular belief, you CAN wear shorts for a night out…even khakis! It’s all just a matter of spicing it up and adding a few accessories. If you’re going for the ripped short shorts, glam them up with a sparkly top and a pair of sky-high stilettos. If you choose to go with khaki shorts, you can also dress them up with an embellished tank top and a pair of chunky heels and wedges.


The world of sport is continually changing over the years, and the use of technology is just one of those areas that has made an impact on many sports in the modern day. One criticism of the use of technology is that it can slow down the speed of the game.There twenty things you didn't know about sports technology:

1  Engineers with the U.S. Olympic Committee keep improving timing and measurement technology. Light beams now record racers’ times to within a thousandth of a second.
2 Even John McEnroe can’t complain: Not to be outdone, professional tennis has adopted a computerized tracking system that shows whether a ball is in or out.
3 Who doesn’t want bigger balls? Unlike most other sports, tennis is looking to slow down. Blistering serves and short volleys can bore spectators, so game organizers have looked at using larger balls on slower surfaces to keep fans’ interest alive.
4  Length isn’t everything. By 1984, improvements in javelin technology had resulted in throws so long that the event was nearly moved out of stadiums. Instead, a redesign shifted the javelin’s center of gravity forward for a shorter flight.
5  Still dangerous: French long jumper Salim Sdiri was skewered in the ribs by an errant                  javelin while waiting to compete at a July 2007 meet in Rome.

6  Pole-vaulting technology keeps hitting new heights, with poles moving from wood to light metal and finally to fiberglass composites, resulting in amazing 120 to 160 degree bends during a vault.
7  Time’s arrow: Modern archery bows made from aluminum, magnesium fiberglass, and Kevlar can shoot arrows faster than 150 miles per hour with pinpoint accuracy.
8  Luge racers go crazy-fast, lying feetfirst on tiny sleds that barrel down an ice track at speeds that can top 90 mph. And they crave aerodynamic advantage. Today’s lugers squeeze themselves into tight rubber suits and wear sleek, wind-slicing helmets, riding sleds that are built with the lowest possible center of gravity to improve stability.
9  Cooking the results: At the 1968 winter Olympics, the East German women’s luge racers were stripped of their medals after it was discovered they had preheated their sleds’ runners to make them faster on the ice.
10  Designer speed: Speedo introduced a new racing swimsuit this year, the LZR Racer, featuring ultra sonically bonded seams and water-repellent fabric to reduce drag.
11  Swimming in sweat? Hockey goalies, once forced to wear leather padding that absorbed up to 7 pounds of perspiration during each game, breathe easier now with lighter, less absorbent synthetic padding introduced in the late 1980s.
12  The layers of protective gear modern American football players wear had their genesis in 1905, when 18 players died from injuries in the game. President Teddy Roosevelt ordered rule changes to make the game less brutal.
13  Happy fans: Adding a yellow, computer-generated first-down line in National Football League television broadcasts has been a resounding success.
14  Not-so-happy fans: Fox Sports angered many hockey buffs with its ill-fated glowing FoxTrax puck, complete with a digitally created tail to track the puck’s path during passes and shots.
15  Technology can make players grumpy too. According to a 1996 NFL Players Association survey, 93.4 percent of football players believed they were more likely to be hurt on artificial turf than on natural grass.
16  For the 2006–07 season, the National Basketball Association switched to a microfiber-composite ball, replacing traditional leather.
17  After complaints that the new basketball was too slick and cut players’ hands, the NBA switched back to leather just two months into the season.
18  Think a baseball moves fast? Badminton shuttlecocks have been clocked at more than 150 mph, far outpacing the swiftest pitch.
19  Maybe wood isn’t so shabby after all. Top skateboarders turn up their noses at the sports-wide popularity of fiberglass and epoxy resins, sticking with seven-ply boards made of maple.
20  Skateboarders are not alone. The fastest ball sport in the world is jai alai, in which a ball is caught and thrown at speeds of around 188 mph, using a scoop made of good, old-fashioned wicker.

TRIVIA about PETS (:

Hello People! ^^

Miss me? haha! >:P
I'm back.


...that Dalmatian puppies are born pure white - without their distinctive spots? It's only when they start to grow that their black or brown spots begin to appear. Isn't it cool guys?:D

...the common belief that dogs are color blind is false. Dogs can see color but it is not as vivid a color scheme as we see. It is much like our vision at twilight.

World's Oldest Dog

The oldest dog that has been reliably documented was an Australian cattle-dog named Bluey. He was put to sleep at the age of 29 years and 5 months! Whoa! Amazing! I wish my dog will die at that age also. :))

Estimating Your Dogs Age

Since a dogs lifespan is usually limited to 15-20 years it should be enough to say that a 2 year old dog is young, a 9 year old dog is middle aged, and a 14 year old dog is old, etc. However, for some reason humans feel the need to anthropomorphize every thing that relates to animals. I am guilty of it (check out the fastest cockroach on the insect page). Since I will never be successful in my efforts to stop the needless "humanization" of animals, I offer the following.

The classic "one dog year equals seven human years" formula has somehow crept into our popular culture. It is a very poor method for estimating your dogs "human age." It is only accurate in the middle of the spectrum and does not take into account the upper and lower ends of the scale. For example: A 1 year old dog has reached sexual maturity and for all intents and purposes has reached its greatest height and length at this age. No one would claim that a 7 year old child has reached sexual maturity and has stopped growing. At the other end of the scale you must consider that dogs ROUTINELY live past the age of 15. That means in human terms most everyone would be living well into their hundreds! In the case of the worlds oldest dog (29) he would be 203! There is a better method.

Use this formula:

The first year of a dogs life = 15 years.

Health Benefits of Having a Pet
Compared to non-pet owners:

* People who own pets typically visit the doctor less often and use less medication.
* Pet owners, on average, have lower cholesterol and lower blood pressure.
* Pet owners recover more quickly from illness and surgery.
* Pet owners deal better with stressful situations.
* Pet owners are less likely to report feeling lonely.

See the difference? Well, I prefer to have a pet. =))

Quote of the day ^^

"Old age means realizing you will never own all the dogs you wanted to." ~ Joe Gores

Saturday, August 28, 2010

What is the difference between sports and games?

"The day you take complete responsibility for yourself, the day you stop making any excuses, thats the day you start to the top."

People often take game and sport as to be the same one. However, game and sport are entirely different. A game involves more than one person and a sport pertains to only an individual’s skills and performance.

A physical activity, Sport is carried out under an agreed set of rules. Sport is related to recreational purpose, either for self-enjoyment or competition or for both. A game is also for recreational activities and it involves one or more players. Played on the basis of a set of rules, a game is defined as a goal that the players try to achieve. As like sport, game is also played for enjoyment.

Sport is an activity or activities where the material capabilities of the sportsperson are looked upon. In a sport, it is the sportsperson or the individual who determines the outcome. Well, an individual’s talent does not determine a game. It is the entire performance of the players that determines the winner in a game. An individual’s skill or performance, though has much significance, does not count much in a game; it is only the coordination and team spirit that leads the game.

A person participating in a sport is called as athlete or a sports person. A person who participates in a game is known as player.

When a game relies on strategy, sport is based on individual performances and luck.

In a sport, the athlete can take independent decisions, but a player cannot take such independent decisions in a game. A decision is taken at a game collectively among two or more players.

Another difference between sport and game is that the former is based on physical energy and the later is based on mental strength. Sport is played with a view of competition in mind while game is played with a friendly attitude.

One can come across more professionalism in sport than the game. In a sport, the athlete or sports person is expected to show good sportsmanship and also have high standards of conduct like respecting the opponents and the officials. But in a game, an individual may not deliver such character. In game, the performance of the whole team is taken into account.

Sport is organized and competitive. It also requires commitment and fair play. An athlete or a sports person always gain popularity and maintains a name for his skills. But in a game, it is not the individual who gains popularity but it is the entire team that carves out a niche.

Just the Right Jeans For You

Howdy Guys!=)

Quote of the Day:

"Remember that always dressing in understated good taste is the same as playing dead".

Are you fun of wearing jeans? This here's the latest trend for you. A 2010 trends that surely you shouldn't pass up!

Jeans aare now a veryy popular form of casual dress around the world,and have been so for decades. They come in many styles and colors. A lot of shopaholic spend chunks of money to have this trends. Jeans has a big contribution to Fashion.

#1. Ripped Jeans

Whether you love them or hate them, they'll be everywhere this season and for good reason too!ripped jeans give off a cool,boho vibe that you can't peel your eyes off. Pair ripped skinny jeans with a layered tank or a peasant top and you're ready to hit the town.

Note: Ripped jeans are a big no-no for work!

#2. Acid Wash Jeans

Ok so I know a lot of people can't stand the acid wash finish because it reminds them of the 80's,but I think if you wear them the right way they can look really hot!Acid wash jeans can look great with almost any type of shoes including flats,flip-flops,heels, and boots. Pair them with a tank and blazer...totally chic!

#3. Skinny Jeans

Yep,they're here to stay and we love them to death!Skinny jeans work with anything and everything,so make sure you have a few pairs for spring in lighter colors.

Friday, August 27, 2010

Health Benefits of Sports

Many people do not exercise because it seems like a boring, repetitive process. It doesn't have to be. Engaging in sports can help to reduce stress, increase physical and mental health, and have more fun. It may take a while to find the right sport for you, but that doesn't mean that you won't enjoy it once you start.

There are many types of sports to participate in. Whether you choose flag football, jogging, basketball, or ultimate Frisbee, know that you are engaging not only in sports, but also the health benefits of sports.

Stress Relief
Participating in sports can reduce stress caused by a multitude of issues. Studies show that increased stress can lead to weight gain and cardiovascular disease.

Physical Health
The health benefits of sports have a physical impact on your body. Aerobic exercise strengthens the heart and lungs.

Mental Health
There are also mental health benefits from sports. A study published in the Annals of Internal Medicine has shown that exercise later in life can stave off mental health issues.

For your own safety, please get checked out by your doctor before beginning a sports or fitness regimen.

Fun Fact
A 140 pound man will burn approximately 100 calories in one mile of walking or jogging.

Pets are Second Companions to Man. :)

Hi People! (:

Zupp pipz?
LALove this day! ^^

Jeez! I washed my dog a while ago! :))
I played with her and decided to blog.

SO! am here again. ^^

Pets in general, you can not help it at all but wonder in amazement how this world and human civilization would have been without them. They are an integral part of man’s day to day living from prehistoric times to the present day.

When you are looking for a pet f
or your family, there are many different factors that you need to consider in this type of situation. You need to consider what is going to be best for your family’s specific situation. You should also keep in mind whether you are going to be able to meet all of the animals needs.

What pet do you liked most?
Here are some images of pets that you will surely like. :*

Choosing a Ferret As a Pet

Ferrets are playful pets. They can be fun and rewarding pets for any adult to have, but children don’t always make the best care givers for this type of pet. Ferrets can be considered somewhat of a high maintenance creature in that they require a lot to keep them exercised and happy.


Rabbits are aggressive for their food very often. The reason is that in the wild, rabbits must compete for their food. If your rabbit bites you when your feeding it, you have a food aggres sive rabbit.

Flying Squirrels

Flying squirrels are a type of squirrel with forty three different types of squirrels in their family. Unlike what their name suggests, flying squirrels do not really fly.

I have an interesting question for you guyz.

->If you were given a chance to be a pet, What kind of pet would you be? ^^

For me, I wanted to be a bird because birds can fly. I want to experience flying and go wherever I want. :) Sounds crazy right? Well. Haha! :D

Quote of the day ^^
“The problem with loving is that pets don't last long enough and people last too long.” ~Unknown

"Quote of the Day"

People love to talk but hate to listen. Listening is not merely not talking, though even that is beyond most of our powers; it means taking a vigorous, human interest in what is being told us. You can listen like a blank wall or like a splendid auditorium where every sound comes back fuller and richer.

- Alice Duer Miller

"Daily Devotionals"

"The young lions do lack, and suffer hunger: but they that seek the Lord shall not want any good thing." (Psalm 34:10)

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